Educational Community

The Augustinian Community, the students, parents, educators, non-teaching staff and alumni constitute the Educational Community.

  1. We aim that the Educational Community may become an authentic Christian community, characterized by an active responsibility in the option for a project of a person, according to the Gospel and the Augustinian Identity.
  2. We desire that the educational community participates responsibly in the Collegiate Organs that are established.
  3. We take care of the interpersonal relationships between the religious community, family, educators, students and non-teaching collaborators, as a basic means for the effectiveness of our educational work.

Augustinian Community

  1. It establishes the Identity of the School and guarantees the principles that define the kind of education offered and the criteria that allow it to be carried out.
  2. Promotes the global educational action of the Institution, assumes its final responsibility towards society and favours a school participation environment that makes collaboration and co-responsibility possible.
  3. Ensures harmony among the different governing Bodies and Structures, stimulates coherence and the quality of education in a responsible atmosphere of freedom.
  4. Assumes those rights and duties that arise from contractual relations between staff and the administration.