The "Liceo de Cervantes" was born at la Candelaria neighborhood, 12th street 3-62, Downtown Bogotá, under the name of "Liceo de la Infancia" and its founder was Dr. Jesús Casas Manrique.
Dr. Jesús Casas Manrique changed the name of "Liceo de la Infancia" to "Liceo de Cervantes" when he installed the headquarters in the 8th avenue with 18 street, Downtown Bogotá.
The first graduating class of Cervantes with 9 students, when the headquarters of the Liceo de Cervantes were located in the large house "Quinta de Aranjuez", 13 avenue 56-64, today's Chapinero neighbourhood.
Dr. Jesús Casas Manrique was the Principal of the Liceo de Cervantes for 16 years and he handed it over to the Augustinian Fathers when it was located on 83 street with 8 avenue, nowadays "El Retiro" neighbourhood.
The headquarters of the Liceo de Cervantes Norte, 153rd Street 19-39, were inaugurated by King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain, with the three complete sections: Pre-school, Primary and Secondary.
Liceo de Cervantes opened the Cultural Immersion Programme for students in English-speaking countries.
The Liceo de Cervantes gave its name to the Fundación Universitaria Cervantina San Agustín, UNICERVANTES, which was born 22 years ago and whose main campus is located at 209 Street 104 -15, Arrayanes road, Bogotá.
Liceo de Cervantes adopted the EFQM Quality Management Certification System for its Educational Proposal, together with the implementation of Technology in the classroom (ICT) and in the management of academic, administrative and communicative processes, as a historical-cultural requirement of the 21st century.
Liceo de Cervantes opened the Dual Degree Process (IDD) for students in Canada, validating the Academic Curriculum with the Canadian Educational System.
By means of Resolution No. 01-0120 of December 3rd, 2018, the National Education Department certifies Liceo de Cervantes, north branch, as a National Bilingual Institution.
Liceo de Cervantes opened the Dual Degree Process (DDP) program in the United States, validating the Academic Curriculum with the U.S. Educational System.
Liceo de Cervantes celebrates the "Granite Jubilee", 90 years of history of its Educational Proposal, with 83 graduating classes delivered to Colombia and to the world.
Liceo de Cervantes projects its Educational Proposal, to be at the height of the historical-cultural demands, to the decade 2024-2034 when it will celebrate the "Bone Wedding", the 100 years of history, exigence and quality for students committed to be winners of the trophies of freedom and human greatness, in the here and now of each historical period.